
ResellerClub SiteBuilder Provisioning Module

v4 module

AutoInstall, Update, Setup, Price Sync and Service Import

You'll like the new v4 SiteBuilder Module!

There is no other module that can boast of total automation! With our ResellerClub SiteBuilder Provisioning Module you will be ready to sell and manage within a few minutes! Fully packaged and automated with Auto Installation of the Module and the Products you would like to sell with ResellerClub and any other LogicBoxes Registrar. And if you have active Orders in your Reseller account, then you can them Import straight away in seconds!

Without limitations, fully automated and fully compatible with all product/services and billing features from WHMCS including Order renew post provisioning as well as Upgrade/Downgrade to another Impress Sitebuilder Plan!

Our Impress Sitebuilder Provisioning Service Module for WHMCS takes care of every feature available for Resellerclub's Sitebuilder Service, seamlessly integrated with your WHMCS set up. You can now sell all available ResellerClub Impress Sitebuilder Plans and WHMCS Administrators as well as your Customers can manage everything easily from the WHMCS Client Area.

Your Customers will remain on your site and can directly login to all related control panels from your site's client area itself. This module takes care of every billing, upgrade, provisioning and management aspect of ResellerClub's Sitebuilder Services. Module Key Features

  • Module Auto Install and Update
  • Fully automated Products Setup with Selling Price Import
  • Import Manager for active and suspended Orders
  • Auto Sync for Selling prices and Recurring prices
  • Service Renew on demand directly from the Client Area Products details Dashboard
  • Automated language handling with fallback to English if selected language does not exist
  • Language files available for English and Spanish with option to add other languages and with override system
  • Upgrade/Downgrade Plans with correct Invoicing as per the Providers standard
  • Multi LogicBoxes Support. You can use multiple reseller accounts (reselleclub, NetEarthOne, etc.)
  • Support for all Plans
  • Auto Login to Management Interface
  • Client Area Management Dashboard built-in and fully customizable

Provisioning and Management related Screenshots