I do not receive the verification email nor any other email from you

We always ensure that our Mailserver IPs are not blacklisted using the monitoring service from mxtoolbox.com. We also do not send unsolicited mails or spam and we are not blacklisted in the most important antispam sources since years. For further details about our mailing and other policies please review our TOS at http://www.resellerclub-mods.com/en/terms-of-service.html


Unfortunately our IPs are permanently blacklisted in the MIPSpace-All, MIPSpace-Worst and MIPSpace-Poor lists, maintained and controlled by the Antispam software owner MagicSpam / LinuxMagic and they are not will to delist our new IPs because they have been used previously by others for spam purposes.


If your hosting account or hosting server makes use of the mentioned Antispam Software then you need to whitelist our Mailserver IPs, and or you will not receive any mails from us.

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